

Home / Connect with customers / INTERNATIONAL COFFEE DAY – “ WOMEN IN COFFEE “

A special theme “Women in Coffee “ has been identified to celebrate 2018 International Coffee Day on the 1st October.

Women play an important role in the whole coffee value chain as men from planting the seeds to management of farms, processing, trading and drinking it…. Apparently 70% of the workforce in coffee farms globally is offered by women.

Connect Coffee Company strives to address the gender gap in coffee sector by empowering women through creating equal job opportunities.

Mrs. Sarah Njari – Liquorer and specialty coffee roaster.

Sarah Njari





Ms. Sophie Ndunge – Marketing assistant

Sophie Wambua







These great women contribute in different capacities to Connect Coffee company quality coffee production.

Join us by enjoying a cup of coffee in either of specialty outlets as we celebrate role of women in #sustainable coffee production.

Location : Gigiri complex, along Limuru road

Download the DISCOUNT flyer and directions HERE

The Riverfront Building, Chiromo lane

Tag along your female friend.

#InternationalCoffeeDay #womenincoffee #coffeedrinkingculture #coffeeheaven


  • Nancy Wambui
    29/11/2018, 11:19 pm  Reply

    This is so inspiring. Want to be part of #women in coffee.been interested for along time

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