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Roasting coffee at home has never been readily accessible, especially with the cost of machines being quite costly. If you are new to the concept of home coffee roasting, you will likely find this blog post helpful, if not, you will definitely find this tips helpful.

Freshly roasted coffee will give new meaning to the perception of coffee, especially if you enjoy experimenting with different home brewing methods.

Why Roast coffee beans at home?

  • Pocket friendly: Coffee home roasting is financially sustainable as raw coffee beans cost significantly less than roasted beans and can be stored for longer. You can purchase large batches of green coffee beans infrequently and save yourself time and money.
  • Home roasted coffee makes a great gift for friends or family.
  • Roasting coffee is an interesting and fun hobby to take up.

Where to purchase raw coffee beans. 

The most convenient way of purchasing raw, high quality coffee beans is from a reliable and transparent micro-roastery café or green coffee dealer.  Micro-roastery that work with coffee farmers, secure excellent coffee for home roasting at very affordable prices.Micro-roastery offer vast knowledge on roasting and brewing. They retail the coffee at market price, therefore it makes sense to order in bulk, so as to get a great discount on your purchase.

Tools you need:

  • Pan
  • Wooden spoon
  • Fire    

What you need to roast your coffee for sweetness:

  • Supervision: Pay close attention to your roast. You need 100% concentration during the roasting cycle. The beans will hit temperatures of 400-500 degrees and can easily become a fire hazard.
  • Ventilation: Roasting can produce a great deal of smoke. If you have a vent hood that allows air outside, it will do the trick. Alternatively, just open your windows or roast outside.
  • Use your senses to time the roast: As you start to roast nothing obvious will happen, however once the beans are hot enough things will progress very quickly. The change in colour, scent and soft cracking noises are signals to identify which stage of the roast you are in. Therefore, it’s imperative for you to use you sense of sight, smell and hearing.
  • Post roast: Its always important to clean your work station. Coffee separates from a thin outer skin which can be blown away outside.

Coffee roasting on a basic level is easy once you get the hang of it.

Challenge yourself NowLearn how to do it at home from the experts. Sign up for the Roasting for sweetness session.


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