


We reviewed what most experts consider the best coffee machine and would like to make recommendations based on the efficiency, performance and pricing.

Victoria Ardwino makes one thing : Specialty coffee equipments. The brand generally appeals over how it makes coffee : well bodied, balanced and a smooth mouth fill. Most of the machines are simple to operate, competitively priced and address the needs for both offices, domestic, restaurants, coffee shops and restaurants.

  1. Venus Family machine

    : Home / Office / Domestic solution

If you are looking for a coffee maker that takes up less space, more presentable, then this is your take . Designed with either gold or chrome body color actually adds some great allure to your home decor. Its simple to use as most brew process is controlled by 3 buttons.

What we Like : Very simple in operation thanks to less operation buttons .

  • It has a water compartment located within the same chamber.
  • Its competitive price makes it go on sale regularly.
  • Ideal for locations with less traffic ( on average 25 – 50 cups per day ).

Paired Grinder  : MDJ /MDH model

Real companion for Venus family and dedicated to offering high quality espresso or hot coffee at home . MDH Hopper Capacity : 0.5kg of roasted beans.

  1. Aurelia Wave  machine

    : Cafe / Restaurants – Entry level

Ideal for coffee chains at entry level .

What we like :

  • Smart technology that is able to protect the machine, extends its life and improves the quality of coffee.
  • The Barista has full control over all phases of extraction, preparation, dispensing and cleaning
  1. Victoria Ardwino Black Eagle machine : Cafe / Restaurants – Third wave coffee outlets

Unmatched from its presentation and nominated for the World Barista Competition until 2022. The Black Eagle is equipped with T3 technology as standard. This guarantees the barista thermal stability, in which the water temperature can be set in each brew group.

What we Like : Installed with programmable settings and can be operated by barista with limited barista skills.

  • It has high precision during extraction thanks to the control display.
  • Its also alerts you when the machine needs to be serviced or have a cleaning session .
  • Using the right preset for every group head, one can easily attain perfect extraction for different roast profiles. If you like experimenting with different coffee, make this machine to be your best friend.
  • Its quite an investment that would break-even provided its paired with specialty coffee beans and barista professional skills.

Paired Grinder : Mythos 2 / Mythos 1 model

Connect Coffee is honored to be East Africa’s distributor for Victoria Ardwino brand for both Espresso coffee machines and coffee grinders.

Our showroom, based at the Riverside building,- 1st Floor at the Empowerment Centre is open for visit for your coffee machines solution for both office, home , cafeteria and restaurants.

Visiting Hours :

  • Mon – Friday : 8 am – 5 pm
  • Weekends ( Sat ) : 8 am – 1 pm

Book your visit here








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