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65 km from Nairobi is Kilimambogo town, well-known for its vast pineapple plantations, spectacular scenes and landmarks like the Fourteen Falls. Good soils and favorable climate have persuaded the big companies to pitch tent. Such include Connect Coffee’s experimental #seedtocup natural coffee project from April to July.

Connect Coffees seed to cup project
Connect Coffee experimental seed to cup project

Quality coffee is mostly attributed to regions of high altitudes and adequate rain. The natural processed coffee project was a different kind, a game-changer to the coffee industry since Kilimambogo is a region of low altitude (1,301 meters above sea level.) From the just concluded early cropping season (May – July 2020), the fruits were selectively hand-picked when ripe and allowed to dry completely over a period of 2 weeks.

Natural processed coffee in Kenya
Natural coffee processing in Kenya

Natural processed coffee in Kenya

We sourced both heavy and light cherries with hints of berries and bright finish that can be enjoyed in both of our signature Romeo and Juliet blends. Overally, this process creates a sweeter, fruitier and well-balanced coffee, and also provides some more interesting notes and characteristics as well.

The cup profiles include:

  • Strawberry Jam
  • Blueberry jam
  • Apricot
  • Peach
  • Clean mouth fill
  • long after taste
Connect Coffee natural processed coffee
Kenya natural process coffee profile

These new beans are perfect for iced coffee and citrus “– Cindy during the coffee sampling session at Chiromo branch.

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(+254) (0)7-790-480/1



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