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On the 17th April 2017, team connect coffee left for Kiriani town in Murang’a county.  This was a journey in response to the growing coffee consumption at our roastery café. Murang’a enjoys reliable rainfall, cool weather due to high altitude (1886m ) above sea level and clay volcanic soil perfect for coffee cultivation.

Top | Aerial view of Kiriani in Murang’a county. Bottom Left | Team connect coffee with potential partner farmer | Bottom Right | Coffee farm visit with Mr. Clifford (left) -farm manager & Mr. Chris – Connect Coffee director. Photo courtesy | Connect Coffee.

Team Connect Coffee visited an independent out grower coffee farmer with an average of 11 hectares. Challenges experienced at the farm included poor weed management, lack of proper pruning technique  as well as pest & disease infestation.  These affected the net coffee production ( quality & quantity ).


Well managed coffee.                                                         Coffee Berry Disease ( CBD ) infested coffee                              

Connect coffee support entails :

  • Provision of agronomic training.
  • Financial support to purchase ferilizer, manure, upgrade & renovation of pulping stations as well as drying bed.
  • Access to market for specialty coffee with above market prices.

The ideal partner farmer for Connect coffee partnership needs to:

  • Own atleast 5 ha of farm land under coffee cultivation
  • Be passionate about quality coffee production.
  • Willing to adapt better coffee farming & processing methods.
  • Isolated from technical & financial support to boost specialty coffee production.
                      An example of onsite drying bed that Connect Coffee partnership will help to renovate. Photo courtesy |Connect Coffee 

In case you are interested to participate in our farmers project, drop us an email on : info@connectcoffee.net


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