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Birthed as a collision of ideas, We-Connect had been a novel concept yet to come to life until it did! Though later than expected and with many co-working spaces taking their place in the market, we-connect joined in as a result of trying to create a ‘Home away from the Office’ for its community members after realizing that a number of the community members were actually loyal clients of the café.

We-connect is a bough of Connect Coffee Roasters. When you think coffee, you think of a stimulant that gets you running, a drink that captivates you to work or get active. Most of our community members were clients who would come for a morning cup and stay to work. The coffee aromas can do quite the magic.

And from that a concept was birthed to create a ‘coffice’. A place where they could be comfortable enough to work, relax, do business and achieve all under the one roof.